k@ta: a biannual publication on the study of language and literature is a refereed journal published twice a year in June and December by the English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Creative Industries, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia. k@ta has been indexed by international databases including the DOAJ, EBSCO, Index Copernicus, ASEAN Citation Index, BASE, WorldCat, Dimensions, Mendeley, CrossRef, and Google Scholar. It currently holds a SINTA 2 ranking from the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.
Volume 23, Number 1 of k@ta Journal showcases five articles written or co-written by ten scholars from two countries—Indonesia and Iran—affiliated with five different institutions. Our sincere thanks go to the authors for their invaluable research findings. Our heartfelt thanks also go to the reviewers, whose insightful critiques continue to enhance the scholarly standards of k@ta Journal.