Peer Review Process

Please note that: 

1. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the journal’s scope, style, length, language accuracy, tolerable plagiarism rate, or referencing style guidelines will be rejected. Authors are welcome to revise their submissions to meet these criteria; however, revised manuscripts must be submitted as new submissions.

2. Articles that meet preliminary screenings undergo a double-blind review by two reviewers. If the reviewers disagree, a third reviewer will be consulted to reach a decision.

3. Reviewers evaluate each manuscript based on its quality. The outcomes of the review can be categorized as:
a. Publish as it is
b. Publish with revisions
c. Revise and resubmit for further consideration 
d. Reject

4. Authors are expected to incorporate the reviewers’ suggestions into their revisions. If certain recommendations are not followed, authors must provide justifications. Revised manuscripts should be submitted within the specified timeframe (typically two to four weeks) following the receipt of feedback from the peer review committee.

5. Authors may be asked to make further revisions until the desired quality is achieved. The final decision to publish lies with the editorial team.

6. The editorial team reserves the right to edit manuscripts for format consistency, language clarity, and referencing accuracy. These adjustments are intended to improve the overall readability of the manuscript without altering its substantive content.

7. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication must conduct final proofreading to ensure accuracy. Authors are responsible for notifying the editors of any errors discovered during this stage; otherwise, the editorial team cannot be held accountable for these errors post-publication.

8. Should authors breach ethical standards, such as engaging in plagiarism or double publication, any affected published articles will be retracted.