The Structures of Political, Economic, and Socio-cultural Rhetorical Narratives on Social Media

  • Samuel Gunawan Petra Christian University
  • Theopilus Joko Riyanto Petra Christian University
  • Liem Satya Limanta Petra Christian University
Keywords: Narrative, political, economic, Socio-Cultural Narrative, Rhetorical Narrative, Social Media Narrative


This research was conducted on the ground of the reason for the increasingly widespread use of narratives on various social media platforms. Narrative  is an event whereby someone  represents an event  aiming to influence the understanding, emotions and values of others. This study qualitatively aims to capture the most common elements of narrative structure focusing on political, economic, and socio-cultural rhetorical narratives data originated from social media platforms. The theoretical model of narrative structure consisting of Abstract, Orientation, Complicating Actions, Resolution, Evaluation and Coda, as proposed by Labov and Waletzky was used to analyze the narrative data collected during the first four months of 2022. On the ground of social situated meanings, the findings show that the most common model of narrative structure is fully used whenever greater details of events, facts, or information are needed to be emphasized. For such reasons, all the elements of narrative structure are held to be obligatory. The findings  show that some elements of narrative structure are left out and  held to be optional as such elements are not considered necessary to convey the main content. In addition, the findings also show that some particular element allows it to be further developed with more embedded events, facts, opinion, or information.


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How to Cite
Gunawan, S., Riyanto, T. J., & Limanta, L. S. (2024). The Structures of Political, Economic, and Socio-cultural Rhetorical Narratives on Social Media. K@ta: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Languange and Literature, 26(00), 131-142.