Joyce the Postmodernist: A Glance at Finnegans Wake

  • Javad Zangouei English Department, Faculty of Literature and the Humanities, University of Birjand, Birjand 9717851367, South Khorasan
Keywords: Black humor, Finnegans Wake, metanarratives, parody, pastiche, postmodernist fiction


Postmodernism criticizes metanarratives. Modern metanarratives including Enlightenment, Hegelianism, and Marxism present general claims about knowledge and truth. Under postmodern condition metanarratives are damageable, criticizable, and finally negligible. In this essay metanarratives are explained and the incredulity towards them is traced. In Finnegans Wake, which is under postmodern condition, metanarratives are targets of Joyce's parody. In this novel, religion is bitterly criticized, Enlightenment is mocked, and Hegelianism and Marxism are disfigured. Joyce shows his incredulity towards metanarratives and employs postmodernist techniques. Finnegans Wake's world is postmodern.


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How to Cite
Zangouei, J. (2013). Joyce the Postmodernist: A Glance at Finnegans Wake. K@ta: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Languange and Literature, 15(2), 93-100.