Methodological Thoughts from the Linguistic Field
field linguistics, generative linguistics, direct elicitation, Bahasa Madura (Madurese)
Data are the heart and soul of any linguistic research. Regardless of how incisive an analysis might be, or how clever, it can never be any better than the data it is based upon. For the field linguist gathering data, important considerations include the selection of informants, the number of informants selection, and data collection techniques. Different research objectives, be they descriptive, prescriptive or theory-driven, require techniques appropriate to those particular goals and should be evaluated within the context of inquiry. What follows is a consideration of the techniques generally used by field linguists with a general descriptive goal within the framework of generative linguistics.Downloads
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Cohn, A. C. (1993a). Consonant-vowel interactions in Madurese: The feature lowered larynx. Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 105-119.
Cohn, A. C. (1993b). Voicing and Vowel Height in Madurese, a Preliminary Report. In J. A. Edmondson, & K. J. Gregerson (Eds.), Tonality in Austronesian languages. Oceanic Linguistics Publication no. 24.
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Marantz, A. (1982). Re reduplication. Linguistic Inquiry, 13, 483-545.
Moehnilabib, M., Wahab, A., Prijambada, S., Huda, N., & Ghazali, A. S. (1979). Morfologi dan sintaksis Bahasa Madura. [Madurese morphology and syntax]. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidkan dan Kebudayaan.
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Stevens, A. M. (1985). Reduplication in Madurese. Proceedings of ESCOL 1985, 232-243. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
Stevens, A. M. (1994). Madurese reduplication revisited. In K. L. Adams, & T. J. Hudak (Eds.), Papers from the Second Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1992 (pp. 357-381). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.
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Wilbur, R. (1973). The identity constraint: An explanation of the irregular behavior of some exceptional reduplicated forms. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 3, 143-154.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1987). Markedness and salience in second-language learning. Language Learning, 37, 385-407. [CrossRef]
Cohn, A. C. (1993a). Consonant-vowel interactions in Madurese: The feature lowered larynx. Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 105-119.
Cohn, A. C. (1993b). Voicing and Vowel Height in Madurese, a Preliminary Report. In J. A. Edmondson, & K. J. Gregerson (Eds.), Tonality in Austronesian languages. Oceanic Linguistics Publication no. 24.
Davies, W. D. (2005). Madurese prolepsis and its implications for a typology of raising. Language, 81, 645-665. [CrossRef]
Davies, W. D., & Dubinsky, S. (2004). The grammar of raising and control. Oxford: Blakwell Publishers. [CrossRef]
Kiliaan, H. N. (1897). Madoereesche spraakkunst. Batavia: Landsderukkerij.
Lebovits, G. (2008). Do's, don'ts, and maybes: usage controversies. New York State Bar Journal, 80, 64.
Marantz, A. (1982). Re reduplication. Linguistic Inquiry, 13, 483-545.
Moehnilabib, M., Wahab, A., Prijambada, S., Huda, N., & Ghazali, A. S. (1979). Morfologi dan sintaksis Bahasa Madura. [Madurese morphology and syntax]. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidkan dan Kebudayaan.
Safioedin, A. (1977). Kamus Bahasa Madura-Indonesia. [Madurese-Indonesian dictionary]. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidkan dan Kebudayaan
Silverman, D. (2002). Dynamic versus static phonotactic conditions in prosodic morphology. Linguistics, 40, 29-59. [CrossRef]
Stevens, A. M. (1968). Madurese phonology and morphology. New Haven: American Oriental Society.
Stevens, A. M. (1980). Formative boundaries in phonological rules. In M. Aronoff, & M.-L. Kean (Eds.), Juncture: Studia Linguistica et Philologica (p. 7). Saratoga, CA: Anma Libri.
Stevens, A. M. (1985). Reduplication in Madurese. Proceedings of ESCOL 1985, 232-243. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
Stevens, A. M. (1994). Madurese reduplication revisited. In K. L. Adams, & T. J. Hudak (Eds.), Papers from the Second Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1992 (pp. 357-381). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.
Steriade, D. (1988). Reduplication and syllable transfer in Sanskrit and elsewhere. Phonology, 5, 73-155. [CrossRef]
Wilbur, R. (1973). The identity constraint: An explanation of the irregular behavior of some exceptional reduplicated forms. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 3, 143-154.
How to Cite
Davies, W. D. (2009). Methodological Thoughts from the Linguistic Field. K@ta: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Languange and Literature, 11(1), 18-38.
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